The 12 Days of Xmas Workout (no equipment!)

Hooray for holiday time off!! For those of you in need of an at-home workout to do while traveling, visiting family, or just taking time to relax at home, try this one! No equipment is required, so grab a friend, family member, or go solo and get your workout on. :)

THE 12 DAYS of XMAS WORKOUTHoliday workout, no equipment!

Warm up: 5 sets of: 3 push ups + 15 Squats (Body wt only) + 10 Forward Walking Lunges


  • 12 Squat Sets: 3 Squats + 3 Squat Jumps = 1 set
  • 11 Box Step Ups (11 each leg – use a chair or couch if at home)
  • 10 Sets of: 10 Mountain Climbers + 10 High Knees
  • 9 Star Crunches (lay on back – lift arms, legs, head and shoulders off the ground, hold for 5 seconds = 1 rep)
  • 8 Knee to Opposite Elbow Plank on Hands (1 right +1 left = 1 rep)
  • 7 Side Lunges each leg (hold something heavy at chest if possible)
  • 6 Lunge Clocks (see this video)
  • 5ea SFT Push Ups*
  • 4 Broad Jump Matrix (2 foot jump forwards, 2ft jump to the right, 2ft jump to the left = 1 Broad Jump Matrix)
  • 3 mins Plank Hold (1 min regular, 1 min Rt side Plank, 1 min Lt Side Plank)
  • 2 mins of Jump Rope (invisible jump rope if  you don’t have one, just make sure you are actually moving your arms ;))
  • 1 min of Burpeesdo as many as you can! Finish strong!


SFT PUSH UPS: Do 5 push ups in each of these six positions: 1) Right hand slightly in front of left, 2) Left hand slightly in front of Right, 3) Wide, 4) Narrow, 5) Hands shoulder width, pointed out at a 45 degree angle, 6) Hands shoulder width but pointed in at 45 degree angle.

Be Happy. Be Fit.