Full Body Quick Workout

Hope you all had a great Valentine’s day and weekend! I spent the weekend in beautiful Monterey CA :) Did a bunch of hiking, ran along the coast, went to the aquarium and indulged in some delicious food and wine.

Running out of time for a workout today? No way! Try this short one, anything is better than nothing, just get moving! Do the circuit below as many times as you can in 20 or 30 minutes (or even 15min if you are really pressed for time). Enjoy!

Full Body Quick Workout

  • 30 sec Plank, Alternate lifting up your right/left arm (extended out like superman) every 5 seconds. The tricky part? Don’t let your hips tilt! Keep them square to the ground
  • 20 Sumo Squats with Bicep Curl (wide legs with toes pointed out, every time you come up from the squat curl the dumbbells up, when you go down into the squat, straighten your arms out of the curl)
  • 100 Jumping Jacks
  • 10 Push Ups – from knees, toes, or elevated with hands on a couch
  • 7 sets of : 1 right side lunge + 1 left side lunge + burpee

Monterey CA

Monterey CA

  • http://shebreaksbarriers.com kathleenahulbert

    Sounds like a wonderful weekend! Great getting in fitness even on holiday!

    • http://happilyforeverfit.wordpress.com happilyforeverfit

      It was great, especially hiking Point Lobos, which was beautiful!

      • http://shebreaksbarriers.com kathleenahulbert

        Sounds gorgeous! I got in a surfing workout class while on holiday in NYC this weekend. So much fun!

        • http://happilyforeverfit.wordpress.com happilyforeverfit

          Awesome, sounds cold but really fun!

          • http://shebreaksbarriers.com kathleenahulbert

            It was actually indoors. The class takes place on surf boards that are on top of three workout balls. So much fun!

          • http://happilyforeverfit.wordpress.com happilyforeverfit

            No way, that sounds so cool! I’m definitely going to look that up, sounds both like an amazing workout and great for balance/core control.

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