The Medicine Ball Workout!

All you need for this killer workout is a medicine ball! This workouts gets your heart rate up, strengthens the legs, & tones your core and back!

Warm-Up and then do as many rounds as you can in 30 minutes!

**Use a 8-10lb hard MB (medicine ball) for moves below

  • 10ea – Stand next to MB, Squat to pick up MB, reach it up an over head (straighten your legs when the ball is overhead) and then squat to place MB on ground, then sideways jump over MB. Repeat 10 in a row going right, then ten left. (Keep back straight in squats!!!)
  • 60sec. Plank on HDs (like push up position) with both feet balanced on the MB
  • 5ea SFT Squats, hold MB at your chest. (These are the squats in 6 different foot positions… right in front, left in front, wide, narrow, toes in, toes out)
  • 3 Sets of Box Drill – Run forwards 5m, shuffle left 5m, backwards run 5m, shuffle right 5m
  • 10ea Single Leg Decelerating Squats – stand on 1 leg in front of a chair, box, couch etc. Slowly decelerate your butt down into a single leg squat until your butt just barely touches the chair, then stand up!


Be Happy. Be Fit.